
The Red Book, also known as “The Bond Buyer’s Municipal Marketplace®,” and the Municipal Marketplace® Online (MMO) are the most current and comprehensive sources of contact information serving the sell side of the municipal bond industry.

MMO is the most comprehensive, authoritative, qualified & up-to-date source of information, listing more than 11,000 municipal-bond professionals, 800 firms, 2,800 offices and 2,000 issuers. MMO is an exclusive service that will connect you and your firm to the companies, information and decision-makers you need to expand and grow your business. Information comes directly from recognized industry firms who first must qualify to be listed and then pay an ongoing listing fee.

To access Municipal Marketplace Online now, choose one of the following options:

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To access MMO, purchase an annual subscription now. Your subscription includes the Spring and Fall editions of the Red Book.

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A Trial Subscription provides you with full access to Municipal Marketplace Online FREE for 1 full day. Take advantage of this opportunity to explore this powerful service and its extensive list of municipal bond industry professionals, their companies and specializations. Only 1 Trial Subscription allowed per person.

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